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Yurtdisi Yatirim
Blood Moon Tonight, Sunday 20, 2019
Sunday, January 20, 2019

(CNN) - It's not every year that a super blood wolf moon happens, so it was worth casting your eyes to the heavens overnight.

Most of the world was able to catch a glimpse of the rare event, but it was especially visible to the populations of North and South America, Europe and Africa.

If you saw the super blood wolf moon and are now wondering what that name even means, here's a breakdown of one of the first skywatching events of 2019....Continue reading, please click here

For more interesting information, click this

Here are some photos taken on Sunday Jan 20, 2019 during the event.

Before the event

The event is beginning...

This photo was taken with changing Picture Style setting in camera

After the event (going back to normal). This photo was taken with changing setting White Balance and Picture Style in Camera

(C) Photos by Phu D Vo

Phu Vo
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